Udemy | 2014 - Present

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Continued Learning

I am a lifelong learner, and I have been continuously developing my skills and knowledge through online courses on Udemy (an online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses in various subjects) since 2014. I believe that continuous learning is essential for both personal and professional growth, and I have taken advantage of the vast array of courses available on Udemy to do just that.

I have taken courses on a wide range of subjects, from SEO and game development to big data engineering and machine learning. These courses have not only allowed me stay up to date with the latest developments in my field but also expanded my skill set and allowed me to pursue my personal interests.

The online format of the courses has allowed me to study at my own pace and fit my education into my busy schedule. I have also had the opportunity to interact with instructors and fellow students from around the world, which has been a valuable experience in itself.

I am proud of my continuing education efforts, and I believe that they have greatly contributed to my professional and personal growth. I will continue to seek out opportunities for learning and development, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Courses Taken:

University of Washington - Foster School of Business | 2008 - 2012

University of Washington Logo

Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (Focus in Entrepreneurship)

I am a proud alumnus of the University of Washington, where I earned my Bachelor of Science in Business Entrepreneurship from the Foster School of Business in 2012. During my time at the University of Washington, I was a student who was both academically driven and actively involved in the campus community.

While attending university, I demonstrated my entrepreneurial spirit by starting my own moving company, which gave me valuable hands-on experience in managing a small business as well as was the catalyst for needing to learn technical and web development skills.

While my degree in Business Entrepreneurship did not directly align with my current career path in analytics, I have found that my business background has been incredibly valuable in my role as an analyst. My business education has given me a deeper appreciation for business decisions and how they relate to data, metrics, and reports, which has allowed me to excel in my current role.

Lake Washington High School | 2004 - 2008

Lake Washington High School

High School Diploma

I am a graduate of Lake Washington High School, where I earned my high school diploma in 2008. During my time at Lake Washington High School, I was a dedicated student who consistently maintained a place on the honor roll for all four years.

Aside from academics, I was also actively involved in a variety of extracurricular activities. I was a multi-sport athlete, participating in football, track & field, soccer, and boxing. These experiences helped me develop strong teamwork and leadership skills, which have served me well in both my personal and professional life.

In addition to sports, I was also a member of the Jewish Student Club and took part in fundraising efforts for various causes, including Hurricane Katrina relief. These experiences allowed me to give back to my community and develop a strong sense of social responsibility.